Philosophical Questions
How can a God that is all loving allow evil to exist in the world? It's a question that has stumped many. Is God being cruel in allowing evil, or is He just not powerful enough to do anything about it? Does this prove there is no God at all? Click on the link to read Lenny's answer to this question.
Here Adam and Lenny continue their discussion on the problem of evil and how God could allow it to continue in the world. Read on to see how Lenny responds to the objections Adam makes in his intial reply.
If God created everything as Christians maintain, then He must have also created evil, right? Read our response to this assertion from a skeptic and learn how to defend the faith against this claim.
Doesn't Isaiah say God made Evil?
In Isaiah 45, God says "I make peace, and create evil". Does this mean God created evil? If God made everything, didn't he make evil, too? Here is our response to this difficult passage.
Answering Those Same Two Objections
When discussing Christianity with skeptics, there seem to be a couple of questions that you hear over and over. "Why would an all-good God (if He exists) allow suffering in the world?" and "How could an all-good and all-loving God damn anyone to hell?" Here's a way to respond.
Kevin writes in and claims that by "by supporting the bible as inerrant scripture, you are propagating a mode of thought which has contributed towards ignorance, superstition, deception and fear for thousands of years." He aslo says that we cannot claim to have the truth because truth cannot be known. How would you answer this? Find out in this lively exchange.
All Christians agree that God is sovereign. In all things, his will is accomplished. However, some have taken this idea to mean that since God's will is supreme, man cannot have a will of his own. Is this true? Read on to get a clearer understanding of what the will actually is.
Does Omniscience Contradict Free Will?
Christians maintain God knows everything, even before it happens. Does this mean that everything is fixed and man really cannot choose freely? See how God's knowledge doesn't impede man's freedom in this article.
How Can We Be Free in Heaven and Not Sin?
Christian apologists have long held that Adam was allowed to sin because God gave him freedom. But in heaven there is not supposed to be any pain or sin. Does this mean we lose our freedom? Not necessarily. Read about our great hope of heaven.
If Christians are God's chosen ones, why does He allow them to suffer like we see? Shouldn't God shield His people from the pain of the world? Not necessarily.
Is God Playing a Game with Evil?
Didn't God, being the most powerful being, have any control over whether evil and Satan were created? Either He's not all-powerful or He's playing some kind of game with us. Both conclusions are flawed and here's why.
Couldn't God Just Judge Satan Before Man Fell?
A person wants to understand why God allowed Satan to continue after he fell. Wouldn't it have been easier and safer to just take the Devil out before he tempted man? Lenny responds here.
Are Miracles Logically Impossible?
David Hume was one of the most famous philosophers to come out of the enlightenment. A hard skeptic, his argument against miracles is offered even today as proof that one cannot believe such claims. Is this true?
Christians claim that many in the world will be held guilty because they choose to follow false belief systems. But, can people be held accountable for not rejecting a belief when it's the only system they've been exposed to? The answer is yes and here's why.