Apologetics Topics
Apologetics topics can vary greatly. People believe many different things. This has never been more evident than when we look at the many different religions we see around the world. But can we ask if there are more than just surface differences between them? Is there more than one way to God or does what you believe have real consequences in life? Come with us as we explore and compare various belief systems against Christianity Simply choose one of our apologetics topics below and see where the truth can really be found.
People believe many different things. This has never been more evident than when we look at the many different religions we see around the world. But can we ask if there are more than just surface differences between them? See if there is more than one way to God and why what you believe has real consequences in life.
Does God Exist? Philosophers and theologians have written volumes on this topic, but it has become especially significant in our modern world. Can we prove that God exists? And what are the implications if God doesn't exist? Read on to find the answers to this most relevant question.
Many skeptics claim that the Bible is "filled with contradictions". Is this so? Although the Bible contains sixty-six books written over thousands of years, it shows remarkable consistency. Here, we examine some of the supposed contradictions that have been offered to disprove the Bible
How can a good God create evil? Is there really such a thing as truth? How can we be certain of what we know? Questions such as these fall under our category of Philosophical problems. Explore below and see how the Christian worldview holds up under some of the most rigorous examination.
Having a proper understanding of God and His relation to creation is one of the most important points for those who believe as well as those who don't. In order to either defend or refute a position, you must first understand it properly. In this section, we look at various topics to better grasp what historic Christianity really is and what that means for each of us.
Our modern lifestyle has a profound effect on our worldview. Everything from our moral decisions to the idea of truth is affected by what we read, what we watch and how we feel about today's issues. Come with us to explore some of the more important discussions happening around the water cooler.
Science has for decades been seen as objective and reasonable while matters of faith are felt to be subjective and personal. Is this true? Does science and Christianity conflict? And does science disprove the old notions of religious faith as merely superstition and ignorance? Look below for discussions dealing with these topics.